Wednesday, March 4, 2009

3/4 - Question B, Question K

2 repeats today for Colleen on line 3. Now, yesterday, we were supposed to be playing for $280, but the Def Leppard interview went long, so we didn't play. Carrie said there was $290 in the pot today, so we'll see if they are actually adding the money even though there wasn't a game played, or if we will again have $290 in the pot tomorrow. In the meantime, on to today's questions:

Question B was asked again and was previously confirmed on 2/12

Question K: What was Grover Cleveland's chief cancer surgeon's name?

Answer: The answer I have found is Dr. Joseph D. Bryant, but no confirmation.
Let me know if you have found another answer.

Tomorrow we'll either be playing for $290 or $300

-Until next time...

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