Wednesday, July 29, 2009

7/29 - No idea, damn iPhone

Well, I know Jeff was the contestant on line 2 and $240 was in the pot, but other than that, I don't know anything because my iPhone connection was lost right after he introduced himself. If anyone has the q/a from today's game, please leave a comment.

-Until next time...


  1. Hey. Jeff here. Yes, THE Jeff of today's quandry.

    Todays question was a repeat.... & I got it wrong because I used the short answer. I should have been smarter than that.

    Anyway, the question was:
    What did the Bourgoeisie torn away from the family?

    To which I replied INCORRECTLY: the sentimental veil.

    What I SHOULD have answered was:
    The sentimantal veil, and has reduced the family relationship into a mere money relation.

    My bad. Good luck everyone!

  2. Thanks for the comment Jeff. Sorry you had to lose on bad information as the sentimental veil is I believe what we have here as well. I'll update with the correct answer.
