Tuesday, March 31, 2009

3/31 - Question P, Question W

Good morning everyone, Douglas was the contestant today, didn't catch the line, but $380 was in the pot. Again, I don't know why the jackpot has decreased, but oh well. The first question today was a repeat, and was actually one Douglas heard the first time it was asked.

Question P: Confirmed 3/13

Questino W: What was James Monroe's middle child's middle name?

Answer: Spence

Good luck everyone

-Until next time...

Monday, March 30, 2009

3/30 - Question V

Welcome back to Bob and Brian and welcome back to followers of YSCW. After the long lay-off, JT was the contestant on Line 2. This is the third time JT has been lucky enough to play this round and for the third time (according to my records) did not answer the first question correctly. This was, however, the first time he received a brand new question.

An interesting note, Carrie said the jackpot was up to $370 this time around, which is odd, because we were at $390 the last time the game was played on 3/19. Also interesting is the last time JT played, 3/16, $370 was what he played for. Alright, enough nonsense, onto the question:

Question V - What was Calvin Coolidge's wifes' father's middle name?

Answer - Isaaclar

Apparently $380 is up for grabs tomorrow.

-Until next time...

Friday, March 20, 2009

3/19 - Question U

Sorry for the delay everyone. It was a busy couple of days. Luckily, Wednesday the Chris Bosio interview took up 2 segments at the end of the show, so we didn't get to play the game. YSCW made it's triumphant return to the airways yesterday when $390 was in the pot for Scott on line one.

The first question was new and Scott did not answer it correctly. There were some other things going on around me when the question was asked, so if this is not what you have, please let me know.

Question U: What was Jimmy Carter's oldest son's second wife's oldest son's name?

Answer: First off, Jimmy Carter's oldest son's name is John William "Jack" Carter. His second wife's name is Elizabeth (Barsfield) Carter. It appears that her oldest son's name from a first marriage is; John Chuldenko, so that's what I'm going with.

We're up to $400 the next time we play the game. It won't be today as the boy's took the day off after getting back from AZ. Now, it has been tradition they take the week after AZ off for vacation, which means we wouldn't be playing for a while. However it isn't known yet wether or not they will be off. They haven't mentioned anything which seems to mean they will be on the show next week, but Gasman said they were off next week during his show on Wednesday, so I guess we'll find out when Eric wraps up today.

-Until next time...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

3/17 - Question P, Question C, Question O, Question T

Good morning, sorry for the delay in getting this posted, but I had a meeting that rang long. Josh was on line 4 this morning and playing for $380. We are up to question T as Josh received a new question after 3 correct answers.

Question P: What was Theodore Roosevelt's younger sister's husband's name?

Answer: Douglas Robinson - confirmed 3/17)

Question C: confirmed 2/20

Question O: confirmed 3/2

Queston T: What was Chester Arthur's Continental Army vet's Great-Grandfather's name?

Answer: Uriah Stone

sorry I don't have the link for the source, I think it was wiki

$390 tomorrow

-Until next time...

Monday, March 16, 2009

3/16 - Question S

Wine touring, love-making JT from the Falls was the contestant on line 2 this morning. He received a repeat question, and it was once again, one of the the James Garfield questions, this time, it was the third born son one.

Question S: What was James Garfield's third born son's name?

Answer: Irvin McDowell

$380 on the line tomorrow.

-Until next time...

Friday, March 13, 2009

Question M controversy - Thanks Douglas

Thanks go to Douglas for pointing this out and I can't believe I didn't realize this before he wrote to me.

On February 25th, we had Terry get question M for the first time; What was James Garfield's third born child's name? Our answer was found to be James Rudolph, however, when Scott gave that answer on March 2, it was deemed incorrect.

The question asked of Scott on March 2nd was What was James Garfield's third born SON's name? For that question, the answer is Irvin McDowell.

We had the question come up again yesterday, asked as What was James Garfield's third born CHILD's name, but the caller was unable to respond.

So, it appears we have 2 separate questions here. James Rudolph is James Garfield's third born child and Irvin McDowell is James Garfield's third born son.

Technically, the SON question should be question P, but since I didn't notice it until now, we are putting it at the end of our list and it will be question S.

Hopefully this will clear some things up and make sure you listen carefully to the question.

-Until next time...

3/13 - Question P and Question N

Joe from Indianapolis was on line 1 this morning and looking for $360. Thanks Douglas for getting me the second question from today. We got confirmation on Question P today, and it was the answer we had.

Question P: What was Theodore Roosevelt's younger sister's husband's name?

Answer: Douglas Robinson (definitely need the full name)

Question N: What was William McKinley's college fraternity?

Answer: Sigma Alpha Epsilon

$370 on Monday from AZ

-Until next time...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

3/12 - Question M

Louis or Louie or something was on line 3 this morning and played for $350. He got question M right off the bat, and this is the question we thought was James Rudolph, but Brian didn't accept that answer on the 2nd, so now we're going with a different answer.

Question M: What was James Garfield's third born child's name?

Answer: Irvin McDowell

$360 for the last chance of the week.

-Until next time...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

3/11- Question O, Question K

$340 was there for the taking for Mike on line 2. He said he would probably only be asked one question, but dominated it, and got to the second question before a mis-pronunciation did him in.

Question O: confirmed 3/2

Question K: What was Grover Cleveland's chief cancer surgeon's name? Mike said Dr. Joseph Brant, which Brian deemed incorrect as he said he could not accept that answer.

Answer: Dr. Joseph D. Bryant is our answer.

$350 in the pot tomorrow.

-Until next time...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

3/10 - Question R

John was the contestant on line 1, playing for $330 and he got a new question right off the bat. I do have to say that I have a gigantic list put together of the Presidents and their families, and was able to find the correct answer before the buzzer rang. Now, if only I get on Thursday when I'm working from home.... Anyway, onto the quesiton.

Question R: What was James Monroe's wife's maiden name?

Answer: (Elizabeth) Kortright

$340 tomorrow

-Until next time...

Monday, March 9, 2009

3/9 - Question B, Question H, Question Q

Two previously confirmed questions and a new question today for Lana on line 4. Lana was playing for $320 today.

Quesiton B: confirmed 2/12
Question H: confirmed 2/19

Question Q: What was John Tyler's thirteenth child's first wife's name? Well, his thirteenth child was Lyon Gardiner Tyler, so that's the first part.

Answer: Anne Baker Tucker

Good luck to all, $330 tomorrow.

-Until next time...

Friday, March 6, 2009

3/6 - Question L

JT was the contestant today, didn't catch the line, but $310 was the jackpot. The quesiton was a repeat:

Question L: What was Herbert Hoover's maternal grandfather's name?

Answer: Theodore Minthorn

$320 on Monday

Have a great weekend, good luck

-Until next time...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

3/5 - Question J, Question D, Question P

The always classy Douglas was the contestant on line 3 today. Carrie confirmed again today that $300 was in the prize bucket. Douglas last played on February 17th and received question I for the first time and was out right away. Today, he had better luck, but received another new question.

Question J: confirmed 2/27
Question D: (which is now tied with question H for most asked this round with 4 times each) confirmed 2/19

Question P: What was Theodore Roosevelt's younger sister's husband's name? Corinne is his younger sister.

Answer: Douglas Robinson (too bad you didn't just shout out your name today, Douglas)

$310 will be in the LW Meyers Contractor Supply prize bucket tomorrow.

Good luck

-Until next time

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

3/4 - Question B, Question K

2 repeats today for Colleen on line 3. Now, yesterday, we were supposed to be playing for $280, but the Def Leppard interview went long, so we didn't play. Carrie said there was $290 in the pot today, so we'll see if they are actually adding the money even though there wasn't a game played, or if we will again have $290 in the pot tomorrow. In the meantime, on to today's questions:

Question B was asked again and was previously confirmed on 2/12

Question K: What was Grover Cleveland's chief cancer surgeon's name?

Answer: The answer I have found is Dr. Joseph D. Bryant, but no confirmation.
Let me know if you have found another answer.

Tomorrow we'll either be playing for $290 or $300

-Until next time...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

3/3 - Def Leppard

Greetings. Because of their interview with a Def Leppard member running long today, BnB did not play the game. Considering they are going to be taking their annual March week off in the very near future, this round is probably going to seemingly go on forever.

We will try tomorrow for $280.

-Until next time...

Monday, March 2, 2009

3/2 - Quesiton H, Question N, Question O, Question M

Greetings, 4 repeat questions for Scott on line 3. $270 was in the pot today and he breezed through the first three questions. On the 4th we learned that one of the answers we have is wrong. So we'll see what happens. Onto the details.

Question H: confirmed 2/19

Question N: What was William McKinley's college fraternity?

Answer: Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Question O: What was George Washington's step son's teacher's name?

Answer: Reverend Jonathan Boucher

Question M: What was James Garfield's third born child's name?

Answer: James Rudolph was given, which is what we have, but was ruled incorrect. I am pretty sure he said child, but if Brian asked for the third born son, it is, Irvin McDowell Garfield.

So we press on, $280 in the pot tomorrow

-Until next time...