Thursday, April 30, 2009

4/30 - Question H

Greetings, Zack or Ekk was the contestant today, and the first question was a new one.

Question H: What kinds of horned animals are on the flag of the President of Namibia?

Answer: Oryx antelope

When following the link, you will first see the Namibian flag which does not have any animals on it, then the coat of arms, which shows the antelope, scrolling further down the page, is the flag of the President, which uses the coat of arms.

Good luck everyone.

-Until next time...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

4/29 - Question G

Greetings. I apologize for the late post tonight, I started a new job today and was busy throughout the day, wasn't able to post, and then forgot about it until now.

Our first question was a new one for Big Mike from Dousman, and he was playing for a shot at $160.

Question G: What is the name of Libya's Brother and Guide of the Revolution's mother?

Answer: Aisha Bin Niran
Muammar al-Gaddafi is Libya's Brother and Guide of the Revolution, scroll to the family section to see his mother's name.

$170 tomorrow.

Good luck everyone.

-Until next time...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

4/28 - Question C, Question F

Good morning everyone, we had our first repeat question today and Mark on line 4 got it correct. He was playing for $150 and unfortunately, the next question was new.

Question C: What is the name of the President of Sri Lanka?

Answer: Mahinda Rajapaksa (confirmed 4/28)

Questino F: What is the name of the former President of Peru who was recently sentenced to 25 years in prison?

Answer: Alberto Fujimori

$160 tomorrow, good luck everyone.

-Until next time...

Monday, April 27, 2009

4/27- Question E

Good morning everyone, Douglas was the contestant on line 3 today and $140 was up for grabs. Once again, the first quesiton was a new one.

Question E: What is the name of the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea's father?

Answer: Ludwig Somare Sana

$150 tomorrow.

Good luck everyone.

-Until next time...

4/24- Question D

From Douglas:

Question D. Now this was a lil tricky and had to actually listen a few more times to understand this one....What is the name of the 2nd wife of the 1st son of the 2nd Prime Minister of Malaysia??
Answer: Rosmah Mansor (look in the section on family)

Good luck everyone!!!


-Until next time...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

4/23 - Question C

Good afternoon everyone, I believe it was Paul on line 3 today with another new question here in the early goings of this round on Heads of State. There was $120 on the line.

Question C: What is the name of the President of Sri Lanka?

Answer: Mahinda Rajapaksa

Good luck everyone, $130 tomorrow.

-Until next time...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

4/22 - Question B

Thank again to Douglas who was able to listen today and got the question for me to post. It was another new one and $110 was in the pot.

Question B: What is the Prime Minister of Turkey's married daughter's wedding anniversary date?

Answer: Well, he has 2 daughters, Esra and Sumeyye. Esra was married July 11, 2004, so the answer will probably be July 11. You'll notice if you follow the link that the article was from Tuesday, July 13, 2004, but it references the ceremony being on the previous Sunday in the fifth paragraph.

Good luck everyone, thanks again Douglas.

$120 tomorrow

-Until next time...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Complete Heads of State Q and A

Question A: What is the name of the Prime Minister of Cambodia's wife's name? Bun Rainy (5/27)
Quesiton B: What is the Prime Minister of Turkey's married daughter's wedding anniversary date? July 11, 2004
Question C: What is the name of the President of Sri Lanka? Mahinda Rajapaksa (confirmed 4/28)
Question D: What is the name of the second wife of the first son of the second Prime Minister of Malaysia? Rosmah Mansor
Question E: What is the name of the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea's father? Ludwig Somare Sona (confirmed 4/30)
Question F: What is the name of the former President of Peru who was recently sentenced to 25 years in prison? Alberto Fujimori (confirmed 6/16)
Question G: What is the name of Libya's Brother and Guide of the Revolution's mother? Aisha Bin Niran (confirmed 5/26)
Question H: What kinds of horned animals are on the flag of the President of Namibia? Oryx Antelope (confirmed 5/14)
Question I: What is the name of Thailand's Prime Minister's Child Psychiatrist sister? Alisa Wacharasindhu (confirmed 5/20)
Question J: Who is the father of the bass player of the Guatemalan rock band Viento en Contra?Alvaro Colomen
Question K: What are the names of the children of the President of Argentina? Maximo and Florencia (confirmed 5/14)
Question L: What is the name of the President elect of El Salvador's oldest son? Alejandro Funes Velasco (confirmed 6/8)
Question M: What are the names of the Chairman of the State of Peace and Development Council of Myanmar's daughters. Thandar Shwe, Dewar Shwe, and Khin Pyone Shwe
Question N: What is the name of the Predecessor of the current President of Botswana?
Festus Gontebanye Mogae
Question O: What is the name of the Prime Minister of Turkey? Tayyip Erdogan
Question P: What is the name of the President of Tajekistan's wife? Azizmo Asadullayeva (confirmed 6/8)
Question Q: What is the President of the Ukraine's mother's maiden name? ????
Question R: What is the name of the President of Nepal's daughter? Anita Yadav
Question S: What is the President of Chile's paternal great great grandfather's wife's name?
Francoise Jeanne Beault

4/21 - Question A

Thanks to Zack and Douglas for sending me the correct question for today's game. There is a chance I may miss on Wednesday as well, there is a meeting scheduled, hopefully it doesn't run late, so if someone could make note of the question, I would appreciate it.

Perhaps we are headed down a Prime Minister or "Heads of State" category again, only time will tell.

On to question A, which again was for Patrick on line 2 and $100.

Question A: What was the name of the Prime Minister of Cambodia's wife's name?

Answer: Bun Rany

Good luck everyone, $110 tomorrow.

-Until next time...

4/21 - New Category, Question A (I need help)

Alright, so Patrick was the contestant on line 2 today with $100 in the pot. There were some other things going on around me, so didn't hear the full question and am going to need a lot of help putting this one together. All I got was something like:

What is the name of the ..... Prime Minister's.....

So yeah, I am no help today. Could someone who heard the full question please leave it in the comments.

-Until next time...

Monday, April 20, 2009

4/20 - Winner, Colleen

Colleen on line 2 got all 5 questions correct today and is the big winner of $520 and other prizes. This was at least her third time playing this round, and she finally broke through.

Question F: What was Harry Truman's mother's name? Martha Ellen
Question R: What was James Monroe's wife's maiden name? Elizabeth Kortright
Question K: What was Grover Cleveland's chief cancer surgeon's name? Dr. Joseph D. Bryant
Question U: What was Jimmy Carter's oldest son's second wife's first son's name? John Chuldenko
Question C: What was Milard Filmore's second sister's name? Julia

Congrats to Colleen, we start over with a new category and $100 tomorrow

Good luck.

-Until next time...

Friday, April 17, 2009

4/17 - Question P, Question E, Question M

Liz was on line 3 today, $510 in the pot. Brian is rattling off these questions at warp speed. Once again one of the James Garfield questions messed up the contestant.

The first two questions have been asked numerous times and previously confirmed correct. The third question asked was answered wrongly today and we'll review again:

Question M: What is James Garfield's third born CHILD'S name? James Rudolph
Question S: What is James Garfield's third born SON'S name? Irvin McDowell

Hopefully we can have someone get it right soon and move onto another round.

Good luck, have a great weekend.

-Until next time...

4/16 - Question D, Question C, Question I

Thanks to Scott who filled in and let me know what I missed yesterday during the game. All of the questions were repeats and all had been previously confirmed correct. $510 up for grabs today.

Good luck.

-Until next time...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

4/16 - Missed again today

Does anyone have info on how the game went today? I wasn't able to listen again.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

4/15 - Question I, Question C, Question Q

Lana was the contestant on line 4 today with $490 in the pot. She got to the third question and failed. Brian was going especially fast today, which may have caused some confusion with the final question she was asked, but oh well.

Question I was previously confirmed 2/24
Question C was previously confirmed 2/20
Question Q was previously confirmed 4/6, unfortunately, Lana couldn't get the answer in time.

$500 tomorrow.

Good luck everyone.

-Until next time...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4/14 - Question J, Question P, Question T, Question W

Greetings, Duke was the contestant on line 4 today with $480 on the line. He seemed to be headed towards victory until he got to question W, which is a question where we are still not 100% sure of the answer, we just know now that it isn't Hector.

Question J: Previously confirmed 2/27

Question P: Previously confirmed 3/13

Question T: What was Chester Arthur's Continental Army vets Great-Grandfather's name? Uriah Stone (confirmed)

Question W: What was James Monroe's middle child's middle name? Duke answered Hector, and it was not correct. I have found Spence for James Spence, and Douglas, I believe found Joseph, so we are still trying to figure out which one it is.

$490 tomorrow.

Good luck

-Until next time...

Monday, April 13, 2009

4/13 - Question I, Question M

I still don't know what happened Friday, so no idea if there was a new question or old questions confirmed, but today, Michelle was on line 2 for $470. She got two repeat questions and was not able to answer the second one correctly.

Question I had already been confirmed as correct, and then she was asked question M, the one about James Garfield's third born child, and didn't have the correct answer.

$480 tomorrow

Good luck everyone.

-Until next time...

4/10 - ?

Does anyone have the info for the game on Friday? I wasn't able to listen, so if someone could post a comment with the info, I will update everything.

-Until next time...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

4/9 - Question T

First off, on Tuesday, Colleen was the contestant and she got all the way to the fifth question, which was a repeat, but she didn't have it. The game went something like this:

Question V: Isaclaar, Question A: Richard, Question F: Martha Ellen Young Truman, Question N: Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Question U: She did not have, but the answer it John Chuldenko.

Yesterday we didn't play because Anna Faris was being interviewed.

Today, $450 was in the pot for whomever was on line one, but they were dismissed because they were not paying attention and Scott was the contestant. This was very interesting because Scott believed the first question asked was a new question, when in fact, it was question T; What was Chester Arthur's Continental Army vet's great grandfather's name, which was originally asked of Josh on 3/17. While he thought it was a new question (which it wasn't) he said there are only 3 unasked questions left, which is what we have as well, so the question is what question does Scott have that we don't have?

Anyway, the answer to that question is Uriah Stone, perhaps Scott should find out site here.

$460 up for grabs tomorrow.

Good luck

-Until next time...

Monday, April 6, 2009

4/6 - Still no winner, Question S, Question Q, Question M

Well, we finally had both of the James Garfield third born... questions today. Colleen was the contestant on line 2 with $420 up for grabs.

Question S: What was James Garfield's third born SON'S name? Irvin (confirmed)
Question Q: What was John Tyler's thirteenth child's first wife's name? Anne Baker Tucker (confirmed)
Question M: What was James Garfield's third born CHILD'S name? Colleen gave the answer of Irvin again, but as we know, it is actually James Rudolph

Again, credit goes to Douglas for noticing that a few weeks ago.

$430 tomorrow, good luck everyone.

-Until next time...

No new questions

Sorry for not having an update after Tuesday last week. From Wednesday on, we didn't have any new questions or answers confirmed for the first time.

Today, I believe there is $420 or $430 in the pot.

Good luck

-Until next time...