Thursday, September 24, 2009

9/24 - New Category

Alright, it has apparently been quite a while since I updated, and I completely missed the winning turn of the last round last week. Work has been busy and I haven't been able to listen as much as I have wanted, so if you don't see a post up regarding a question and answer, please leave a comment so we can all continue to work together to have someone win this thing.

Anyway, here's what I have for this round:

Question A: 9/18 - Missed

Question B: 9/21 - Line 2 for Douglas, $110. What was the first personal computer to feature a mouse and a graphical user interface?

Answer: Xerox Alto

Question C: 9/22 - Line 2 for Ben, $120. What city recently became the location of the largest seige in military history?

Answer: Serajavo (confirmed)

Question D: 9/22 - Lind 2 for Ben, $130. What cruise line used as its signature line, "Your World, Your Way"?

Answer: Oceania Cruises

Question E: 9/23 - Missed

Question F: 9/24 - Line 2 for Tim, $140. Who ran Center and Warbird beginning in 1971? (no idea if this was actually the question)

Good luck everyone

-Until next time...