Wednesday, February 11, 2009

2/11 - Question E

Today was quite a good round of You Still Can't Win. First of all, we were playing for $14o and frequent caller Douglas emailed me to say that he was trying to get on and if he did, was going to play to part of the crazed college student and praise God for BnB letting him on their show. This was, of course, because the boys had been playing the clip of a student at a speech last night for President Obama "mocking" (according to Brian) the President, since the show started this morning.

Unfortunately, Douglas didn't get in to deliver what would have been a great game, but we were treated to Scott on line 2 for some fun.

The boys at first couldn't get Scott to open up and give them specific answers, and once the question was asked, he gave the answer "Leonhard NehhmOY" to mock Brian a bit. Last week when the contestant won, that is how she pronounced "Leonard Nemoy", of Star Trek fame, who was the correct answer to one of the questions. Brian, usually a stickler for pronunciation, and I know from experience, let it slide and she ended up winning the round. So very entertaining for all listeners to the game.

Alright, onto today's question:

Question E: What was Theodore Roosevelt's assassin's name?
Answer: John Schrank

Good luck as tomorrow we play for $150

-Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Bro I was so ready to go freakin nuts this morning too..I am sure that all of them woulda got a kick outta it. Thanks for the invite again man...

    Good Luck to you and I have been keepin track at work as well recording the questions and trying to find answers on my cell phone but by the time I find them...You have posted it here...Youre fast.

    Talk with ya later..

