Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Good morning all. I have some updates from the past few days. Again, these questions are long and Brian reads them quickly, so I don't always get the exact wording, if someone has other information, please share.

Today, Douglas was the contestant on line 2 and the first question was a new one. Before we get to that, however, here's what happened the past few days:

7/20 - Dylan was on line 4 with $170 in the pot. His first question was new:

Question H: Waht does the Bourgeoisie mean by freedom?

Answer: The connection between personal freedom and property rights (sorry I don't have the link to the source anymore).

7/21 - Big Mike out of Dousman was the contestant on line 1 with $180 in the pot and his first question was a repeat, which he did not answer correctly:

Question F: What is veiled by religious and political illusions and is substituted for naked, shameless, direct brutal exploitation?

Answer: The Bourgeoisie

7/22 - Again, Douglas on line 2 with $190 in the pot. The first question was new and went something like this:

Question I: Generally in most advanced countries, what must happen to all credit in order for the proletariate to wrestle all property from the Bourgeoisie?

Answer: Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exlusive monopoly.

This is a pretty difficult round, so good luck everyone.

$200 tomorrow.

-Until next time...

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